We hereby inform that the activities of the coordination of the Cheistry Post Graduate Program are being conducted remotely. Service is provided by e-mail . You may also schedule online meeting
For those who are interested in joining the Program and require more information, visit our website or contact us by e-mail.
We remind our students that the 2021 academic calendar is now available, as well as the application templates and necessary documentation are available at https://ppgqmc.ufsc.br/requerimentos-e-instrucoes/. At this time, all documents must be sent via e-mail in pdf format, with digital signature. No printed documents are needed.
PPGQ Coordination Staff
Welcome to Chemistry Graduate Program - Federal University of Santa Catarina.
The Chemistry Graduate Program currently offers Academic Master's and Doctorate Courses, with solid graduation in Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. Created in 1971, the program actuates on qualification of human resources for teaching in higher education institutions and interdisciplinary science and technology development. It is part of CAPES' Academic Excellence Program (PROEX), having received a maximum score (grade 7.0) among Brazil's most respected institutions.
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Finoto Caramori - Coordenador
Prof. Dr. Daniel Lázaro Gallindo Borges - Subcoordenador